Thursday, May 13, 2010

Didn't realize how pregnant I was...

I nearly had a heart attack yesterday, when I sat down and looked at some of my belly pictures.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3rd Trimester!

Hi all. For those of you who don't already know, we are expecting!!! We found out we're having a baby girl and she's due 8-10-10.

Today Sarah (& Jesse?) is 27 weeks pregnant, which means we are entering into the 3rd trimester! I can't believe how fast this is coming up. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was peeing on a stick on Christmas Eve morning!!! Our baby girl will be here before we know it.

Week 27:

Baby's now the size of an eggplant!
Baby's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means he's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air in your womb means every "breath" is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey -- it's progress.

Getting Started

Wow, apparently Google works great until something breaks, and then it sucks a lot. Getting this blog up and running was a huge pain because apparently it was owned by someone in the past. They didn't do anything wrong or anything, but Google doesn't know that the domain is under new ownership, so it still had the Google apps set up with their logins, which conflicted with blogger, and caused a lot of hassle. So I ended up having to search around until I found some way to contact Google, hope they received it and replied. To their benefit, once I did find their hidden contact form (they don't publish it) they responded and got everything sorted out, though it took a couple of days. Bleh.

So this is Sarah and my blog about whatever. Probably mostly about our lives and goings on. We're having a baby in August :D We're engaged to be married, but the wedding will wait until after the baby comes along. We live with a little Puggle dog that loves to be crazy or sleep on our necks. It's funny that dogs were bred from wolves, 'cause she's as far as it gets from a wolf. She's a little cuddle dog, and sleeps in our bed.

Anybody that happens to be looking for the Sarah & Jesse from California, we aren't them. We're from Massachusetts.